
ASHG 2019 abstracts were due June 6, 2019. Thank you to all who submitted an abstract!
Please see the sections below for information on how abstracts are reviewed, programmed, and published. Decisions are sent in mid-August.
Questions: ashgmeetings@ashg.org
Resources for Abstract Submitters
Abstract Topics, Subtopics, and Keywords
Abstract Review and Programming
After the June 6 submission deadline, all abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee, plus three independent reviewers for each topic category. Abstracts can be programmed into the following session types:
- Featured Plenary Abstract Talks
- Concurrent Platform (Oral) Sessions
- Poster Sessions
The Program Committee completes the following steps to program abstracts for the Annual Meeting:
Step 1. The Shuffle Phase: The Program Committee reviews abstracts to ensure that they have been submitted to the correct topic category. If not, the abstract is moved to a more appropriate topic, where it can be reviewed by experts in the field.
Step 2. The Review and Scoring Phase: Each abstract is reviewed by four reviewers. This review step is blind; each reviewer scores the abstracts independently, without knowledge of the name(s) and institution(s) of the submitter(s) or the scores given by the other reviewers. Abstract scores range from 1 (highest) to 8 (reject). The best cumulative score that an abstract can obtain from four reviewers is 4 (1+1+1+1). The average score is approximately 16. Abstract scores are confidential and are not released to authors.
Step 3. The Assignment Phase: The Program Committee assigns abstracts to Plenary Sessions, Platform Sessions, or Poster Sessions. Selections are based on the cumulative score as well as the impact of the science and the balance of topics across the sessions. The top-scoring abstracts from each Main Topic are considered for inclusion in the Plenary Sessions. Approximately 8% of the abstracts received are selected for Platform Sessions. The majority of Platform Sessions are organized around specific themes and are intended to be focused, cohesive, and informative. When possible, the Program Committee will also design multi-disciplinary and/or cross-topic Platform Sessions. The remaining accepted abstracts are assigned to posters, and the top-scoring poster abstracts (~10%) are awarded the Reviewers’ Choice designation. A subset of the Reviewers’ Choice is highlighted during the Poster Talks in advance of the Poster Sessions.
Confirmations are sent to authors in mid-August. Once a presentation has been programmed, any first author who is unable to make the presentation in person must notify the ASHG office immediately at ashgmeetings@ashg.org.
Abstract Publication
Abstracts selected for presentation will be available on the meeting website in early September. All content being presented at the ASHG 2019 Annual Meeting will be embargoed until the date and start time of the presentation. Please review the Embargo Guidelines and the Abstract Licensing Agreement/Copyright Policy for more information. The meeting website and Mobile App will include a searchable program and an individualized meeting itinerary planner after the abstracts have been posted online.