Teaching Evolution
Principles of genetics and evolution are fundamental to all life sciences. The Society therefore strongly supports the teaching of evolution in the science classroom as part of a comprehensive genetics and life sciences curriculum.
Please use these materials to learn or educate others about evolution.
Evolution Essays
To support the teaching of evolution in science classrooms, ASHG members wrote a series of essays about evolution and genetics in 2009, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth.
This series illustrates the historical, conceptual, and practical connections between genetics – especially human genetics – and evolution. They demonstrate the centrality of evolution theory to biology and its importance for science education, while highlighting the diverse interests of ASHG members.
- Celebrating Darwin’s 200th Birthday
Michael Dougherty, Former Director of Education, ASHG - Tinkered Masterpieces or Master Tinker
Charles R. Scriver, MD, 1986 President, ASHG - Genetic Variation and Human Evolution
Lynn B. Jorde, PhD, 2011 President, ASHG - Evolution and Medicine
Barton Childs, MD, Namesake of the ASHG Arno Motulsky-Barton Childs Award for Excellence in Human Genetics Education
Additional Evolution Resources
- The National Academies provides a good selection of reports and papers about the importance of evolution as a foundational concept in biology. These resources are free to download.
- The University of California Museum of Paleontology’s site is your one-stop source for information on evolution. Also see the companion site with information especially useful to teachers.
- The National Center for Science Education is devoted to resources for teaching and learning evolution, as well as defending public education against creationism teaching and learning. NCSE Executive Director, Ann Reid also did an interview with ASHG on teaching evolution. This resource from NCSE is especially helpful for educators. You can also utilize their YouTube channel.
- PBS offers online courses, case studies, and a teacher’s guide to evolution for educators, and short videos for students.
- The NIH also keeps an updated list on reliable genetics resources for teachers and students
Charles Darwin
To fully grasp evolution, it’s necessary to learn about the works of Charles Darwin.
- The complete works of Charles Darwin are available online including his publications, manuscripts, correspondences, and biography.
- This New York Times interactive feature highlights excerpts from Darwin’s most famous publication, On the Origin of Species.
- HHMI’s Biointeractive series includes several short films between 15-30 minutes long, which discuss Darwin, the Galapagos Islands, and the Malay Archipelago.