ASHG Career Development Committee Action Plan

In April 2020, the Board of Directors approved this Action Plan and a phased implementation of the listed activities over the next three to five years in support of the Strategic Plan. The activities will be reviewed by the Board for funding on an annual basis.

In December 2023, ASHG released a refreshed Strategic Plan. This Action Plan was refreshed in support of the Strategic Plan and approved by the Board of Directors on April 25, 2024.

Strategic Issue:

ASHG envisions a world in which people everywhere realize the benefits of genetics and genomics research and seeks to advance understanding and appreciation of that research to advance science, health and society. We also recognize ASHG must prepare the genetics and genomics workforce for the envisioned future as the need for robust investment in genetics and genomics research is widely recognized and consistently enacted, and supportive policies ensure innovation proceeds rapidly and responsibly.

To address these goals and challenges, the Society seeks to engage professionals in all stages of career development. Based on its Strategic Plan, ASHG will focus on 1) generating career development tools for trainees and early career professionals and 2) and engage members in mentor and leadership opportunities.

Desired Outcomes:

  • ASHG members are offered year-round professional education and career development opportunities.
  • ASHG members are provided career development programming specific to their career stage and profession which includes career-focused webinars.
  • ASHG members will be actively involved in creating and promoting activities which affect their career.
  • Committee members will reflect the career stages and career fields of ASHG membership and its demographics.

Guiding Principles:

  • ASHG is the primary resource for career-related information and opportunities for genetics and genomics specialists including researchers, industry professionals, academicians, clinicians, laboratory practice professionals, genetics counselors, nurses, and others with special interests in human genetics.
  • ASHG efforts will focus on preparing the largest workforce of human genetics and genomics researchers and clinicians for different careers.

Action Plan:

  1. Career Resources: ASHG will continue to provide year-round career development opportunities through annual meeting events and year-round digital programming. The topics and events will be optimized annually based on member interest and need with a goal to support professional growth of ASHG members throughout their career. This may include an onsite career fair, professional development events, and career-focused area of the ASHG booth.
    1. Update and Maintain Genetics and Genomics Career Accelerator– Continue to update career resources based on career stage and diverse career professions. Resources will be curated from existing resources on reputable websites and new digital ASHG sources from podcasts/video interviews and webinars. The accelerator provides resources related to transitioning into new careers, lists of grant and fellowship opportunities and other related information. The accelerator includes community resources listserv and a messaging center for members to communicate career-related opportunities to interested individuals.
    2. Non-Peer Reviewed Career Development Content in ASHG Journals (AJHG/HGGA)– Curate content from existing trainee newsletter, The Nascent Transcript, to create 1-page career development article in AJHG or HGGA, similar to weekly post in AAAS Science journal.
  2. Trainee Programming: ASHG will provide numerous resources, programs, and events for human genetics and genomics trainees: undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and research and clinical fellows. These include but are not limited to:
    1. Trainee-Driven Newsletter (The Nascent Transcript) – Develop content written by and for ASHG trainees including helpful career tips, advice from peers, and interviews with highly experienced professionals in academia and industry.
    2. Highlight Trainee Excellence – Feature ASHG trainee award winners and outstanding recent papers written by trainee members of ASHG.
    3. Annual Meeting Programming – ASHG will host events and foster opportunities of special interest to trainees as part of the annual meeting. These events will focus on networking, professional development, and skill-building.
  3. Mentoring: ASHG will create opportunities for mentorship across career stages, emphasizing peer mentoring to foster growth and leadership amongst members throughout their careers.


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