Abstract Topics
Abstracts should be submitted to one of the following categories. If your submission fits multiple categories, please select the one that would be most appropriate for peer review and placement in the program.
- Cancer I: Molecular and cytogenetic diagnostics, precision medicine and gene therapies
- Cancer II: Genetic epidemiology and gene-environment interactions
- Cancer III: Molecular effects of genetic variation
- Cancer IV: Tumor genome landscape studies; bioinformatics, computational, and comparative approaches for cancer genomics; other cancer topics
- Complex Traits and Polygenic Disorders I: Cardiovascular disease and lipid phenotypes
- Complex Traits and Polygenic Disorders II: Diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndromes, diseases of internal organs and of the endocrine system
- Complex Traits and Polygenic Disorders III: Infectious disease and immunological disorders
- Complex Traits and Polygenic Disorders IV: Fertility and reproductive phenotypes
- Complex Traits and Polygenic Disorders V: Hematopoietic disorders
- Complex Traits and Polygenic Disorders VI: Neurological and neuromuscular disorders
- Complex Traits and Polygenic Disorders VII: Psychiatric disorders
- Complex Traits and Polygenic Disorders VIII: Other phenotypes, multiple disorders, and computational approaches
- Epigenetics and Gene Regulation I: Gene regulation and specific disorders
- Epigenetics and Gene Regulation II: Variation, development, and molecular mechanisms
- Epigenetics and Gene Regulation III: Bioinformatics and computational approaches
- Evolutionary and Population Genetics
- Genetic Counseling, ELSI, Education, and Health Services Research
- Genetic, Genomic, and Epigenomic Annotations, Databases, and Resources
- Genetic Therapies
- Mendelian Phenotypes I: Dysmorphologies and multiple malformation syndromes
- Mendelian Phenotypes II: Intellectual disability, neurological, neuromuscular, and psychiatric disorders
- Mendelian Phenotypes III: Mitochondrial, muscle, biochemical, skeletal, connective tissue, and skin disorders
- Mendelian Phenotypes IV: Diseases of internal organs and of the endocrine system, immunological and hematopoietic diseases, sensory disorders, other phenotypes, methods, and resources
- Molecular and Cytogenetic Diagnostics I: Dysmorphologies, intellectual disability, and multiple malformation syndromes
- Molecular and Cytogenetic Diagnostics II: Other phenotypes, methods, and technologies
- Molecular Effects of Genetic Variation I: Neurological, neuromuscular, and psychiatric disorders
- Molecular Effects of Genetic Variation II: Other phenotypes, cross-disorder analyses, and new technologies
- Molecular Effects of Genetic Variation III: Bioinformatics and computational approaches
- Molecular Phenotyping and Omics Technologies I: Biological and clinical applications
- Molecular Phenotyping and Omics Technologies II: New technologies, bioinformatics, and computational approaches
- Pharmacogenomics
- Prenatal, Perinatal, and Developmental Genetics
- Statistical Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology I: Novel methods and approaches
- Statistical Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology II: Application to specific phenotypes