Evelyn Mantegani

Meet Ellen Quillen, Geneticist and GENE Network Member

Posted By: Evelyn Mantegani, Senior Specialist, Marketing and Communications, ASHG Despite not being able to enter the classroom, Ellen Quillen, PhD found a way to continue her relationship with an AP Biology class she connected with through the GENE Network. Initially contacted in 2019 by teacher Leah Cataldo, PhD, Dr. Quillen met for the second... Read More

ASHG Connects with Biology Teachers at NABT 2020

ASHG Connects with Biology Teachers at NABT 2020

Posted By: Evelyn Mantegani, Senior Specialist, Marketing and Communications, ASHG How many careers in genetics were born in the classroom? An enthusiastic teacher may have opened a student’s eyes to the wonders of DNA, or Punnett Squares may have drawn a student’s curiosity. Biology teachers are often the people who introduce students to the science... Read More

ASHG Represents Human Genetics and Genomics Field at STEM Celebration

ASHG Represents Human Genetics and Genomics Field at STEM Celebration

Posted By: Evelyn Mantegani, Senior Specialist, Marketing and Communications, ASHG ASHG envisions a future with an informed public that continues to understand basic genetic concepts, receives equitable access to genetic information, and understands and appreciates humanity’s diversity. With this in mind, the Society exhibited at SciFest All Access with the goal of increasing awareness of... Read More

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