William Anderson

Justyna Resztak, MS

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Justyna Resztak, MS

It is well known that both nature and nurture play a large role in our long-term health outcomes. However, the gene by environment dynamics for many complex traits is still poorly understood. Justyna Resztak and colleagues added to this growing body of literature through their study by understanding the genetic effects of psychosocial experiences on... Read More

Advocating for Science: ASHG Policy Resources and How to Get Involved

Advocating for Science: ASHG Policy Resources and How to Get Involved

Since the pandemic began, participating in policy and advocacy as scientists has become incredibly challenging.  Interacting with both federal and local representatives has become particularly difficult, as scientists can no longer go to D.C. or to their state legislatures and meet with representatives in person.  This is frustrating, because communicating the importance of scientific research... Read More

Policy Fellow Holm picture

My Policy Fellowship Journey: from DNA to DC(A)

10 years ago, I was in my college dorm room writing my senior thesis and wondering what career could possibly combine my interest in genetics, health, communication, and translation of research. Today, I am sitting in my apartment in Washington, DC as an ASHG/NHGRI Genetics and Public Policy Fellow, working remotely at the intersection of... Read More

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