William Anderson

NIH and Other Related Resources for COVID-19

As the impact of the coronavirus pandemic extends to every facet of daily life, the research community is coming together to find ways to manage in the new circumstances. The NIH has recognized that flexibility is required in the agency’s response to help NIH applicants and recipients of NIH funding and so has a dedicated... Read More

Get to Know Kate Garber, Educator and Science Communicator

Posted By: Evelyn Mantegani, Public Education & Engagement Specialist, ASHG   Kate Garber, PhD, is a member of the GENE Network and co-chair of the ASHG Public Education & Awareness Committee. She is on the faculty at Emory University in Atlanta, where she runs the genetics curriculum for medical and physician assistant students and directs... Read More

ASHG 2019 in Houston Highlights Discoveries in Genetic Research and Progress to Improve Health, Treat Disease

ASHG 2019 in Houston Highlights Discoveries in Genetic Research and Progress to Improve Health, Treat Disease

Published: Thursday, October 3, 2019, 12:30 p.m. U.S. Central Time Media Contact: Nalini Padmanabhan, 301.634.7346, press@ashg.org ROCKVILLE, MD – Thousands of genomics and genetics researchers, professors, doctors, genetic counselors, nurses, and others from around the world will gather in Houston, Texas, October 15-19, for ASHG 2019, to share their latest research about the benefits of... Read More

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