William Anderson

Career Interview: Tina Hambuch Hawks, PhD

Career Interview: Tina Hambuch Hawks, PhD

Director of Clinical Services Illumina Clinical Services Laboratory ASHG: What are the biggest challenges you encountered when acclimating to the pace and demands of industry? What skills do you wish you had worked on in advance? Dr. Hambuch: One particular challenge for people who have trained extensively in academia is learning to communicate your work... Read More

NGS-based In Vitro Diagnostics

NGS-based In Vitro Diagnostics

In 2015 and 2016, ASHG submitted comments to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on two related proposed regulations for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)-based in vitro diagnostics. Appreciative of being engaged in the process, ASHG submitted comments to further inform and clarify the issue. Related: Comments on “Use of Standards in FDA Regulatory Oversight... Read More

Career Interview: Thomas Bird, MD

Career Interview: Thomas Bird, MD

Professor, Neurology and Medical Genetics University of Washington, Seattle ASHG: If you could go back to when you were a trainee, what is one piece of advice you would give yourself for your current career? Dr. Bird: When choosing projects to pursue, select those that you find really interesting and that match your particular talents. I... Read More

Career Interview: Beth Ruedi, PhD

Career Interview: Beth Ruedi, PhD

Director of Education and Professional Development Genetics Society of America ASHG: How can trainees gain experience in your field while doing research? What steps are necessary for trainees to get involved in your field? Dr. Ruedi: I have a few favorite sayings when I talk about careers and professional development. One is: “No one is... Read More

Career Interview: D. Barry Starr, PhD

Career Interview: D. Barry Starr, PhD

Director, Outreach Activities Department of Genetics, School of Medicine, Stanford University ASHG: What non-scientific skills (communication, artistry, athleticism, etc.) are important for your job? Were any of these skills unexpected assets for you? Dr. Starr: It turns out that making good analogies is an important part of science communication. And surprisingly, watching lots of TV shows and... Read More

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