William Anderson

Supporting Research Participant Privacy

Supporting Research Participant Privacy

S. 2744, the Genetic Research Privacy Protection Act, was introduced in the Senate in 2016. This bill, supported by ASHG, would guard against the inappropriate use of the Freedom of Information Act to gain access to research participants’ genetic information, and would build on existing privacy protections by strengthening Certificates of Confidentiality. Its provisions were... Read More

Career Interview: Oona Johnstone, PhD

Career Interview: Oona Johnstone, PhD

Associate Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks, P.C. ASHG: What non-scientific skills (communication, artistry, athleticism, etc.) are important for your job? Were any of these skills unexpected assets for you? Dr. Johnstone: Communication skills are very important for a career as a patent attorney. In our daily job, we frequently need to get up to speed quickly on a... Read More

Career Interview: Karen Imgrund Deak, PhD

Career Interview: Karen Imgrund Deak, PhD

Director, MS in Patent Law and Certificate in Patent Prosecution University of Notre Dame ASHG: What non-scientific skills (communication, artistry, athleticism, etc.) are important for your job? Were any of these skills unexpected assets for you? Dr. Deak: Written communication is HUGE in the field of patent law — you are emailing with attorneys and clients;... Read More

Career Interview: Christophe Lambert, PhD

Career Interview: Christophe Lambert, PhD

Assistant Professor University of New Mexico, Center for Global Health, Division of Translational Informatics, Department of Internal Medicine ASHG: What are the biggest challenges you encountered when acclimating to the pace and demands of industry? What skills do you wish you had worked on in advance? Dr. Lambert: I founded and ran a company for almost... Read More

Career Interview: Joyce Tung, PhD

Career Interview: Joyce Tung, PhD

Director of Research 23andMe, Inc. ASHG: If you could go back to when you were a trainee, what is one piece of advice you would give yourself for your current career? Dr. Tung: Get involved in activities outside of the lab. I was co-president of the Graduate Students’ Association at UCSF for a few years,... Read More

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