William Anderson

Considering Family Privacy in Genetic Research and Medicine

Considering Family Privacy in Genetic Research and Medicine

Genetic information about an individual reveals genetic risk information about both the individual and other family members. ASHG issued a statement in 2000 considering the importance of family medical history in genetics research and its balance with ensuring the genetic privacy of research participants’ relatives, and one in 1998 commenting on this balance in the... Read More

Supporting Responsible Stem Cell Research

Supporting Responsible Stem Cell Research

ASHG members have interest in many questions raised in public discussion of the use of stem cells in biomedical research. ASHG supports federally funded stem cell research and the appointment of an advisory body to foster and maintain public confidence in this area of research. Related: ASHG Statement on Stem Cell Research (August 2001) ASHG... Read More

Advising on Use of Biological Materials

Advising on Use of Biological Materials

In 1999, the National Bioethics Advisory Commission requested feedback on current regulations, practices, and ethical issues related to the use of human biological materials in research. ASHG commented on many of the recommendations in the NBAC’s draft document and provided additional expertise. Related: ASHG Response to NBAC on the Ethical Issues and Policy Concerns Surrounding... Read More

Understanding Behavioral Genetics

Understanding Behavioral Genetics

Behavioral genetics brings to light both genetic and environmental influences on behavior. ASHG commented on the state of this field, including recent accomplishments, future directions, and methods, in a 1997 statement. Related: Statement: Developments in Human Behavioral Genetics: Past Accomplishments and Future Directions (June 1997) Read More

Considering Genetic Testing and Insurance

Considering Genetic Testing and Insurance

Most traits are influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. In a 1995 background statement, ASHG considers how genetic testing results should be used in insurance, if at all, as well as associated ethical and policy questions. Related: ASHG Background Statement on Genetic Testing and Insurance (January 1995) Read More

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