

STATEMENT American Society of Human Genetics Board of Directors On The Report of the ASHG Facing Our History – Building an Equitable Future Initiative

The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG)—and the research community it supports—believes in the power of human genetics to advance science, health, and society. However, ASHG and the field have failed to acknowledge, fully and consistently, the misuse of human genetics to serve unjust ends or take action to denounce such use. As the community’s... Read More

ASHG Members Attend the Rally for Medical Research

The 10th anniversary of the Rally for Medical Research took place on September 14, 2022. ASHG is proud to have again sponsored this event on Capitol Hill, which brought together 250 participants from more than 30 states and Washington, D.C. to meet with 190 congressional offices. Science advocates were enthusiastic to return to the capital... Read More

ASHG Issues New Guidance Addressing Underrepresentation in Genomics Research Through Community Engagement

ASHG Issues New Guidance Addressing Underrepresentation in Genomics Research Through Community Engagement

The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) today published a new Guidance on community engagement as a strategy to address underrepresentation in genomics research. Appearing in today’s issue of the American Journal of Human Genetics (AJHG), this new resource was developed by the Society’s Community Engagement Guidance Writing Group, comprised of members of the ASHG... Read More

The Importance of Universal Ethical Standards in Science

The Importance of Universal Ethical Standards in Science

Long-standing ethical principles for genetics research help respect and protect research participants, and they are especially important for preventing harm to marginalized or vulnerable populations. Recent reports allege that several genetic studies conducted in China may not have secured individuals’ consent for their participation freely and without coercion. These reports reinforce the need for ASHG... Read More

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