
Policy Fellow Holm picture

My Policy Fellowship Journey: from DNA to DC(A)

10 years ago, I was in my college dorm room writing my senior thesis and wondering what career could possibly combine my interest in genetics, health, communication, and translation of research. Today, I am sitting in my apartment in Washington, DC as an ASHG/NHGRI Genetics and Public Policy Fellow, working remotely at the intersection of... Read More

ASHG Opens Applications for the New ACGT Program

ASHG Opens Applications for the New ACGT Program; Apply Today!

Last month, ASHG launched the new Advocacy Certificate for Human Genetics and Genomics Trainees (ACGT) program. ACGT is a competitive, year-long program aimed at providing trainee ASHG members pursuing a research or clinical career with an introduction to science policy and human genetics and genomics advocacy. The program is a Government and Public Advocacy Committee... Read More

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