
Opposing Gene Patenting

Opposing Gene Patenting

A draft bill introduced in May 2019 sought to reform Section 101 of the U.S. Patent Act. If passed, the legislation would allow for the patenting of genes by effectively overturning the 2013 Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) vs. Myriad Supreme Court decision. Related: Joint Letter from ASHG and ACMG Leadership to Bill Sponsors (July... Read More

Supporting Federally Funded Research

Supporting Federally Funded Research

Genetics research is providing remarkable insights into the human genome and how this knowledge can be translated into healthcare advances. This scientific progress relies on continued public investment in biomedical research. ASHG supports the robust, predictable, sustainable federal funding of research to fuel scientific advances. Related: Written Testimony to Senate Appropriations LHHS Subcommittee (May 2023)... Read More

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