Sohini Ramachandran, PhD is a Professor of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology at Brown University. She also serves as Director for Brown University’s Data Science Initiative and Center for Computational Molecular Biology

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Sohini Ramachandran

Posted By: Sara Cullinan, PhD, Deputy Editor, AJHG SC: What motivated you to start working on this project?s SR: The seeds of this project were actually planted in 2009 when I gave a seminar at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and learned about work they were doing on differential relapse rates for children with acute... Read More

Michelle Noyes

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Michelle Noyes

Posted By: Sara Cullinan, PhD, Deputy Editor, AJHG SC: What prompted you to start working on this project? MN: I think that de novo mutations (DNMs) are completely fascinating: they can be used to make historical inferences about how our species has evolved over time and they also serve as a lens into how humans are changing... Read More

Christi Guerrini, JD, MPH is an Assistant Professor in the Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy at Baylor College of Medicine.

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Christi Guerrini

Posted By: Sara Cullinan, PhD, Deputy Editor, AJHG SC: What prompted you to start working on this project? CG: Everyone on the team is involved in studying the ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) of direct-to-consumer genetic testing, and we’ve been paying attention to stories in the media about individuals who have made surprising family... Read More

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Alexis Battle

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Alexis Battle

Posted By: Sara Cullinan, PhD, Deputy Editor, AJHG SC: What prompted you to start working on this project? AB: This project was truly a collaboration from conception to completion. First, disease-associated genetic loci are often in non-coding regions of the genome, and thus do not immediately point to a disease gene or mechanism of action.... Read More

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Sriram Sankararaman

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Sriram Sankararaman

Posted By: Sara Cullinan, PhD, Deputy Editor, AJHG What prompted you to start working on this project? SS: For a few years now, I have been thinking about Biobank-scale methods that can allow us to learn about aspects of the genetic architecture (e.g. heritability) of complex traits from millions of genomes. A major challenge in... Read More

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