Career Interviews

Laïla El Khattabi and Alexander Hoischen

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Laïla El Khattabi and Alexander Hoischen

Each month, the editors of The American Journal of Human Genetics interview an author of a recently published paper. This month we check in with Laïla El Khattabi and Alexander Hoischen to discuss their complementary papers Next-generation cytogenetics: Comprehensive assessment of 52 hematological malignancy genomes by optical genome mapping and Optical genome mapping enables constitutional... Read More

Loren Saulsberry ,PhD

HGSI Scholar Q&A: Loren Saulsberry, Ph.D.

Loren Saulsberry, PhD, Human Genetics Scholar, is an Assistant Professor in Health Policy and Health Services Research in the Department of Public Health Sciences at The University of Chicago. Her research program aims to evaluate and guide the implementation of pharmacogenomics (PGx) into clinical practice in a manner that advances health equity within genomic medicine.... Read More

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Kyle Brothers and John Lynch

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Kyle Brothers and John Lynch

Posted By: Sarah Ratzel, PhD, Science Editor, AJHG Each month, the editors of The American Journal of Human Genetics interview an author(s) of a recently published paper. This month, we check in with Kyle Brothers and John Lynch to discuss their paper, “Analogies in Genomics Policymaking: Debates and Drawbacks”. AJHG:  What caused you to start... Read More

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