Careers & Learning

Get to Know Claudia Gonzaga-Jauregui, Geneticist and Educator

Get to Know Claudia Gonzaga-Jauregui, Geneticist and Educator

Claudia Gonzaga-Jauregui, PhD, is a member of the Genetics Engagement & Education Network and ASHG’s Public Education & Awareness Committee. Earlier this year, she was also appointed to the 2021 Board of Directors as the Early Career Director. She volunteers to do educational activities with children from underserved and minority communities, judges science fairs, and... Read More

HGSI Scholar Athena Starlard-Davenport, PhD Shares R01 Success Tips

Athena Starlard-Davenport, PhD is one of the eight inaugural HGSI scholars for 2019-2021. She is an assistant professor of Genetics, Genomics, and Bioinformatics at University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), where she studies globin gene regulation in sickle cell disease, breast cancer genetics, and cancer disparities. Dr. Starlard-Davenport recently received her first R01 independent... Read More

Casey Romanoski, PhD

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Casey Romanoski

Each month, the editors of The American Journal of Human Genetics interview an author of a recently published paper. This month, we check in with Casey Romanoski to discuss her paper, “Systems Genetics in Human Endothelial Cells Identifies Non-coding Variants Modifying Enhancers, Expression, and Complex Disease Traits”. AJHG: What caused you to start working on... Read More

New Insights into Ancient Genomes: Your Questions Answered

In March, ASHG hosted a webinar to share recent findings in the population genetics of ancient humans and to explore how genetic variation may have shaped early human history. This webinar, entitled, “New Insights into Ancient Genomes” featured ASHG members David Reich, PhD and Joshua Akey, PhD. During the session, they discussed methods for isolating... Read More

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Iris Nira Smith

Author: Iris Nira Smith, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Genomic Medicine Institute Lerner Research Institute Cleveland Clinic Smith IN, et al. Conformational dynamics and allosteric regulation landscapes of germline PTEN mutations associated with autism compared to those associated with cancer. 2019 American Journal of Human Genetics. May 2;104(5):861-878\ Why do mutations in the same gene sometimes lead... Read More

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