Careers & Learning

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Lise Barbé

Trainee Author: Lise Barbé, PhD Postdoctoral Scholar Gladstone Institutes (Photo courtesy Dr. Barbé) Lise Barbé ́et al. CpG methylation, a parent-of-origin effect for maternal-biased transmission of congenital myotonic dystrophy. The American Journal of Human Genetics (2017); 100(3);488-505. This paper sheds light on the genetic mechanisms underlying myotonic dystrophy. This disease is caused by tri-nucleotide repeat... Read More

Career Interview: Karlene Coleman, MSN, CGC

Career Interview: Karlene Coleman, MSN, CGC

Karlene Coleman, BSN, MSN, CGC, AGN-BC, is a Clinical Nurse Coordinator at the Marcus Autism Center at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. She has been a member of ASHG for over 20 years. Chris Gunter, ASHG: Tell us about your position and how it fits into your institution and its goals. Dr. Coleman: My position has two main... Read More

Career Interview: Brian Shirts, MD, PhD

Career Interview: Brian Shirts, MD, PhD

Brian Shirts, MD, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Laboratory Medicine at the University of Washington. He has been a member of ASHG since 2004. ASHG: Tell us about your position and how it fits into your institution and its goals. Brian: I am Assistant Professor of Laboratory Medicine at the University of Washington. Being in a clinical... Read More

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