Careers & Learning

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Tanya Phung

Trainee Author: Tanya Phung PhD Student University of California, Los Angeles (Photo courtesy Ms. Phung) Tanya Phung et al. Determining the Effect of Natural Selection on Linked Neutral Divergence across Species. PLoS Genetics, 12(8): e1006199 (2016). This paper provides an interesting look at the effect of natural selection on neutral variation and how that could affect interpretations of... Read More

Career Interview: Mark McCarthy, MD

Career Interview: Mark McCarthy, MD

Robert Turner Professor of Diabetes Medicine at the University of Oxford and the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics Dr. McCarthy, a physician-scientist and human geneticist, has presented several invited sessions on the genetics of type 2 diabetes and other chronic diseases. Chris Nowak, ASHG: How do you keep on top of the rapidly expanding bioinformatics field and... Read More

Career Interview: Michael Snyder, PhD

Career Interview: Michael Snyder, PhD

Professor Michael (“Mike”) Snyder, PhD, Chair of Genetics and director of the Stanford Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine at Stanford University shared what Trainees interested in big data medicine should look for. Chris Nowak, ASHG: What are some challenges for trainees interested in a career in functional genomics and big data medicine? Dr. Snyder: Good quantitative skills and... Read More

Career Interview: Derek Scholes, PhD

Career Interview: Derek Scholes, PhD

Director of Science Policy American Society of Human Genetics ASHG: How can trainees gain experience in your field while doing research? What steps are necessary for trainees to get involved in your field? Dr. Scholes: There are opportunities available [in the field of science policy] to you if you’re willing to seek them out and volunteer... Read More

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Joseph Alaimo

Trainee Author: Joseph Alaimo, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Baylor College of Medicine (Photo courtesy Dr. Alaimo) Joseph T. Alaimo et al. Copy number loss upstream of RAI1uncovers gene expression regulatory region that may impact Potocki-Lupski syndrome diagnosis. Molecular Cytogenetics, 8:75, (2015). This paper uses a case study to argue for functional identification of chromosomal structural abnormalities, and uses ENCODE... Read More

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