Careers & Learning

Career Interview: Niall J. Lennon, PhD

Career Interview: Niall J. Lennon, PhD

Senior Director of Translational Genomics, Broad Institute (Genomics Platform) ASHG: How have interdisciplinary approaches benefited your work? Dr. Lennon: I have found that what I assumed to be a completely unrelated set of interests in photography and graphic design, are actually very helpful for my day-to-day job. Specifically, the ability to communicate complex concepts/workflows/technologies using images... Read More

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Daria Wojtal

Trainee Author: Daria Wojtal PhD Candidate Hospital for Sick Children University of Toronto Wojtal D, Kemaladewi DU, Malam Z, Abdullah S, Wong TW, Hyatt E, Baghestani Z, Pereira S, Stavropoulos J, Mouly V, Mamchaoui K, Muntoni F, Voit T, Gonorazky HD, Dowling JJ, Wilson MD, Mendoza-Londono R, Ivakine EA, Cohn RD. (2016) Spell Checking Nature:... Read More

Career Interview: Gerald Mark Reaven

Career Interview: Gerald Mark Reaven

Professor of Medicine (Active Emeritus) Stanford University School of Medicine ASHG: What academic or extracurricular activities were you involved in during your training that helped you stand out among your peers? Dr. Reaven: I am not sure if I “stood-out”, but if there is anything that has helped me in my academic life it was... Read More

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Ma’en Obeidat

Trainee Author: Ma’en Obeidat, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow University of British Columbia Centre for Heart Lung Innovation Obeidat, Ma’en, Hao, Ke, Bossé, Yohan, Nickle, David C., Nie, Yunlong, Postma, Dirkje S., Laviolette, Michel, Sandford, Andrew J., Daley, Denise D., Hogg, James C., Elliott, W. Mark Fishbane, Nick, Timens, Wim, Hysi, Pirro G., Kaprio, Jaakko, Wilson, James... Read More

Career Interview: Eric Alan Shoubridge, PhD

Career Interview: Eric Alan Shoubridge, PhD

Professor and Chair, Department of Human Genetics Montreal Neurological Institute of McGill University ASHG: What non-academic skills would you encourage trainees to develop to prepare for successfully running a lab? What specific skills have proved invaluable for you? Dr. Shoubridge: One of the biggest challenges in running a lab is people management. Scientists, by their nature,... Read More

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