K-12 Education

2018 DNA Day Essay Contest: Full Essays

2018 DNA Day Essay Contest: Full Essays

1st Place  Diane Zhang Fox Lane High School Teacher: Ms. Stephanie Peborde Location: Bedford, NY Recent advancements in genetic technologies, specifically the ability for scientists to sequence the genome, have made analyzing DNA easier, faster, and more cost-effective. This in addition to the rising number of consumer companies that directly provide genetic testing through genotyping or... Read More

2017 DNA Day Essay Contest Winners

2017 DNA Day Essay Contest Winners

Congratulations to our winners and thank you all for participating. Happy DNA Day! Thank you for making this another successful year! We received many submissions from students in 40 U.S. states and 21 foreign countries, including Colombia, Ukraine, and Singapore. We would also like to thank the over 500 ASHG members who participated in judging... Read More

2016 DNA Day Essay Contest Winners

2016 DNA Day Essay Contest Winners

Congratulations to our winners and thank you all for participating. Happy DNA Day! Thank you for making this our most successful year yet! We received a record high number of submissions from students in 44 U.S. states and 23 foreign countries, including Colombia, Antarctica, New Zealand, and Ukraine. We would also like to thank the... Read More

2015 DNA Day Essay Contest Winners

2015 DNA Day Essay Contest Winners

Congratulations to the 2015 winners and thank you all for participating. Happy DNA Day! This year ASHG received submissions from students in 37 states and 16 foreign countries, including Turkey, Taiwan, Macadonia, and Ghana. Asking students to focus on the evolving definition of a gene engaged them in deeper thinking about our current understanding of... Read More

2014 DNA Day Essay Contest Winners

2014 DNA Day Essay Contest Winners

Congratulations to the 2014 winners and thank you all for participating. Happy DNA Day! This year ASHG received submissions from students in 39 states and 20 foreign countries, including Turkey, Portugal, Australia, and Nigeria. Asking students to investigate the genetic and environmental components of a complex trait engaged them in deeper thinking about heritability and... Read More

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