Publications & News

ASHG Responds to Federal Agency Layoffs

ASHG Responds to Federal Agency Layoffs

The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) is deeply troubled by the recent layoffs at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), National Science Foundation (NSF) and other agencies. These abrupt and unilateral decisions have far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the immediate loss of jobs. The impact on... Read More

ASHG Statement on Cuts to NIH-Funded Research Support

ASHG Statement on Cuts to NIH-Funded Research Support

The American Society of Human Genetics released the following statement in response to the recent announcement from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) regarding the implementation of a 15% reimbursement rate cap for Facilities and Administration (F&A) costs, applicable to both new and existing grants as of February 10. Although a temporary restraining order is... Read More

Inside <em>AJHG</em>: A Chat with Anahit Hovhannisyan

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Anahit Hovhannisyan

Posted By: Alyson Barnes, PhD, Assistant Editor, AJHG AB: What motivated you to start working on this project? AH: Although I was born in Armenia, I emigrated at the age of three and spent most of my life living abroad. Over the years, I found myself feeling increasingly distanced from my homeland and its history.... Read More

Elizabeth Plender, BS/BA

Trainee Excellence Spotlight: Elizabeth Plender, BS/BA

Structural and genetic diversity in the secreted mucins MUC5AC and MUC5B Position: PhD Candidate, Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington & Fred Hutch Cancer Center ASHG: Can you describe the type of research that has your primary focus? Elizabeth Plender: I study genetic variation in the mucins, a set of heterogenous loci that encode... Read More

Lap Sum Chan, MS

Trainee Excellence Spotlight: Lap Sum Chan, MS, PhD

A novel multivariable Mendelian randomization framework to disentangle highly correlated exposures with application to metabolomics Position: Postdoctoral Associate in the Pan Lab working with Professor Wei Pan, Division of Biostatistics & Health Data Science, University of Minnesota ASHG: Can you describe the type of research that has your primary focus? Lap Sum Chan: My research... Read More

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