Recognizing Early-Career Excellence at the ASHG Journals

Sara Cullinan, PhD, Director of Scientific Publications Many ASHG members are familiar with the Cotterman Award, an honor bestowed each year to the trainee authors whose work published in The American Journal of Human Genetics (AJHG) is noted for exceptional quality. This year, Human Genetics and Genomics Advances (HGG Advances) introduced the Early-Career Investigator Award... Read More

Vence Bonham, J.D.

Interview with NHGRI’s Vence L. Bonham, Jr., JD: NHGRI Creates New Opportunities for Health Equity Research and Workforce Diversity

In October 2021, the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) created the Training, Diversity, and Health Equity Office (TiDHE). TiDHE develops and supports initiatives that expand opportunities for genomics education and careers; supports genomics training programs and workforce development initiatives for individuals underrepresented in biomedical research; and promotes genomics research to improve minority health, reduce... Read More

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