2022 Hill Day Meeting with Representative DeLauro's Office

ASHG Members Head to the Hill (Virtually)

On May 11, 2022, ASHG hosted its second (virtual) Capitol Hill Day. This event brought together 21 Society members from the ASHG Board of Directors, the Government and Public Advocacy Committee (GPAC), and trainee advocates from the Advocacy Certificate for Human Genetics and Genomics Trainees (ACGT) program. During this year’s event, Hill Day participants met... Read More

A Look into DNA Day as an Essay Contest Judge

Each year students, teachers, and genetics researchers around the world mark their calendars for April 25, DNA Day. This day marks milestones in the field of human genetics and encourages communities, students, and teachers to enhance their knowledge of this field. The ASHG DNA Day Essay Contest winners were announced with winners and honorable mentions... Read More

ASHG 2022 President, Charles Rotimi, PhD

Message from the President: Geneticists Have an Opportunity

By ASHG President Charles Rotimi, PhD This is an unprecedented time in our society and our science of human genetics and genomics. Unsurprisingly, attention and focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, and race have moved even closer to the center of national and international discussions. The human genetics and genomics community has increasingly been engaged on... Read More

Enhancing the Member Experience

By Carrie Morin, ASHG Director, Membership & Industry Engagement Membership ASHG is committed to the vision that people everywhere realize the benefits of human genetics and genomics research, and members like you are at the forefront of making this a reality. To fulfill that vision, the Society makes a critical investment in providing valuable resources... Read More

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