How I Work: Brian Shirts

Posted By: Elisabeth Rosenthal, PhD, Member of the ASHG Communications Committee We sat down with ASHG member Brian Shirts, MD, PhD, to learn more about his work at the cutting edge of clinical genetic diagnostics, including how his work intersects with his faith. ASHG: Tell us about your position and how it fits into your... Read More

Make Your ASHG 2017 Abstract Shine

Make Your ASHG 2017 Abstract Shine

Posted by: Emily Greene, MS, ASHG Meetings Program Coordinator ASHG 2017 abstracts are due in just a few weeks, and every year, abstract authors have the same question: How do I get my abstract programmed? The Rules & Policies and Step-by-Step Submission contain important information about how to conform to ASHG standards and avoid rejection,... Read More

How I Work: Kathryn Garber

Posted by: Staff We sat down with ASHG member Kathryn (Kate) Garber, PhD, to learn more about her unusual, three-part job and how she keeps up with it all (hint: superpowers are involved). ASHG: Tell us about your position and how it fits into your institution and its goals. Kate: I have three main pieces... Read More

A New Policy Platform for ASHG

A New Policy Platform for ASHG

Posted by: Derek Scholes, PhD, ASHG Director of Science Policy We are delighted to announce that ASHG has a new policy platform! Developed with the help of members and approved by the Board of Directors, the platform articulates where ASHG stands on a variety of policy issues – which issues are of key importance and... Read More

The View from Constitution Avenue

Posted by: Douglas F. Dluzen, PhD, ASHG Training & Development Committee It’s fitting that the March for Science shared the spotlight with Earth Day. During the slow march down Constitution Avenue, I saw several signs sticking out from the crowd reminding the world that there is no Planet B, no other options. It was also... Read More

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