
Making the Case for Human Genetics and Genomics Research

The pandemic and challenges of the past year have made clear how much science and research can impact every aspect of society, from public health and health equity to the economy. It is now more important than ever for scientists to engage with the public, including policymakers. The Government and Public Advocacy Committee (GPAC) is... Read More

Meet Your New Leaders (Board Roundup)

Meet Your New Leaders (Board Roundup)

ASHG extends sincere congratulations to its new 2021 board members and officers who began their terms on January 1.  The membership elected Charles Rotimi, PhD, National Institutes of Health as president-elect. The other new members of the Board of Directors are Claudia Gonzaga-Jauregui, PhD, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals; Heather Mefford, MD, PhD, St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital; Kiran Musunuru, MD, PhD, MPH, ML, University of Pennsylvania; and Ebony Shah-Williams, MS,... Read More

ASHG To Launch New Discover Genetics Page

ASHG To Launch New Discover Genetics Page

ASHG is launching new public engagement and education initiatives to connect ASHG members with the public and share the benefits of human genetics and genomics research. Later this year, ASHG will launch its new Discover Genetics section on as part of the Society’s strategic goal to increase public awareness of the benefits and impact... Read More

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