Trainee Newsletter

Mentoring Up – Finding your match and Making it work

Nascent Transcript Author: Honey Reddi, PhD, FACMG. Conceptually “Mentoring up” is about empowering mentees to be active participants in their mentoring relationships by understanding that the responsibility for success requires equal contributions from both the mentor and the mentee. The ASHG Career Development committee as part of its annual meeting organized a session on this topic. ... Read More

Difficult Conversations | The tools every trainee needs

Nascent Transcript Author: Latrice Landry, PhD. You may have noticed it by now, but in addition to the scientific concepts, research skills, and good science communication [including presentation and writing], your career requires you to be skilled at having difficult conversations. This has never been more true than now. The pandemic has caused the infrastructure... Read More

The logo is owned by Decolonize DNA Day and the Native BioData Consortium; Powerful and impactful, Oglala Lakota artist Walt Pourier of Vision Maker Media designed this logo for the Decolonize DNA Day event. It uses the fist, a common motif in protest imagery. It also reflects the topic of DNA and genomics.

The Decolonization of DNA DAY

National DNA Day, designated as April 25th by the 108th U.S. Congress, celebrates the DNA double helix discovery of 1953 and the completion of the human genome project as two of the most significant scientific accomplishments in the past 100 years. ASHG has a long tradition of celebrating DNA day through a variety of individual... Read More

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