Social and Networking Events

Networking Reception
Wednesday, October 16, 7:30-9:30 pm
Location: Texas Ballroom, Marriott Marquis Hotel, 1777 Walker St., Houston, TX 77010
Attendance: free and open to all meeting registrants
ASHG invites you to enjoy an evening of mingling, relaxing, and networking. The room will be set to encourage meet-ups with your colleagues, including themed areas to discuss the latest science or engage informally through games and icebreakers.
Connect with Discussant Leaders to share what’s on your mind, innovations that excite you, shared challenges, and ideas for future ASHG meetings. ASHG staff, Board leaders, and committee members will be mingling in these areas to help answer questions and get conversations started.
The dress code is casual. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres and soft drinks provided. Cash bar.
- Zone 1: Careers/Mentorship: Meet the Career Development Committee, Member Engagement Committee, and others to chat about career trajectories, opportunities, and challenges.
- Zone 2: Traversing our Translational Terrain: From basic science to clinical potential, discuss the excitement and challenges of continuing human genetic and genomic discovery and applications.
- Zone 3: Innovations: Discuss and learn about the latest tools, technology, and trends that are helping you make discoveries.
- Zone 4: Topics in Genetics, Policy, and Ethics: Chat about the latest excitement and challenges around hot topics.
- Zone 5: Engage informally around game tables, with fun quizzes, ice-breaking coasters, and other activities to start conversations!
#ASHG19 Tweetup
Thursday, October 17, 7:30-9:30 pm
Location: Grotto Downtown, 1001 Avenida de las Americas, Houston, TX 77010
Attendance: free and open to all meeting registrants
Ever wonder what all of those people on Twitter or other social media look like in person? Here’s your chance to find out. Join ASHG attendees who use social media like Twitter — or anyone who wants to learn — for a happy hour and conversation next door to the Convention Center.
Ancillary, Satellite, and Exhibitor Events
Dates, Times, and Locations Vary
Throughout the meeting, outside organizations may hold educational events, networking opportunities, and university/special receptions. Please see the Ancillary Event page to organize an event. Ancillary event listings will be posted in August.