Abstracts: Rules and Policies
Questions? meetings@ashg.org
Submission Rules
- An individual may be first (presenting) author of only one abstract.
- Authors are expected to attend the virtual meeting and make the presentation.
- The presenting author’s name should be the first name to appear in the author listing.
- The first (presenting) author must inform and have agreement from all co-authors and those involved in the work. The first author will be required to confirm this agreement when submitting the abstract.
- The first (presenting) author is also responsible for notifying all authors of any and all correspondence relating to this abstract submission.
- The first (presenting) author must present the gene symbol and/or name the identified marker at the meeting if they are reporting the mapping, linkage, or association of a locus to a phenotype. Authors who do not conform to this policy at the meeting will be subject to sanctions as determined by the Program Committee.
- Authors must sign a disclosure statement regarding the existence of any relevant financial interest and/or other relationship(s) they might have with the manufacturer(s) or provider(s) of any commercial product(s) or service(s) or with commercial and academic laboratories that accept samples for testing or develop any laboratory test or test(s) to be discussed during their presentations.
- There is no limit to the number of times an individual may appear as co-author on abstracts.
- Co-authors do not receive communication related to the abstract.
Submitting authors will be asked to:
- Confirm that they have read, understand, and agree to the Abstract Submission Rules and Meeting Policies, including Code of Conduct.
- Confirm that they authorize ASHG to contact them about its Annual Meeting, including status of their abstract.
- Confirm they will submit only one abstract as first author and understand they can only speak and moderate for one accepted proposal.
- Notify all authors of any and all correspondence relating to their abstract submission.
- Confirm that each co-author has been informed of this abstract submission and has agreed to all information as it was submitted.
- Confirm that they are submitting the abstract with the intent of attending the ASHG 2021 Annual Meeting and presenting the work.
- Disclose conflict(s) of interest/financial disclosure(s) in accordance with ACCME guidelines and agree to include a conflict-of-interest slide as part of their presentation. Disclosure of financial relationships will be listed on the website.
Results or studies that have been published or that will be accepted for publication elsewhere prior to the submission deadline must be disclosed, and the author should make clear what new information will be presented. For purposes of this policy:
- Abstracts that have been accepted for presentation at other conferences are considered previously published.
- Material posted on a preprint server is NOT considered previously published.
- ASHG endorses the protections embodied in the Basic Principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and their expansion in the regulations governing research supported by the U.S. Government (45 CFR Part 46; 56 FR 28003).
- ASHG does not endorse and will not publish the results of research that was not conducted in accordance with these principles.
- Investigations involving animals reported in abstracts must have been conducted in conformance with approved principles of the care and use of animals in research.
- Substitution of the first (presenting) author is not permitted. If substitution becomes necessary, you must inform ASHG by emailing meetings@ashg.org upon confirmation of your abstract acceptance.
- Authors who fail to notify ASHG that they cannot attend may not be invited to present at future meetings.
- A change to the author of a plenary or platform presentation requires prior written approval from the Program Committee Chair. Substitution is not allowed without prior written approval.

Abstract Publication
Abstracts selected for presentation and publication will be available online on September 8, 2021. At this time, your abstract and all information will become a matter of public record and may be referenced by ASHG, media relations staff, and others. Please review the Abstract Licensing Agreement/Copyright Policy and the Camera and Poster Photo Policies.
Abstract Citation
The Previous Meeting Abstract Archive includes guidance for accessing and properly citing ASHG Annual Meeting abstracts.