Travel & Location

Denver Skyline
Source: @CaptainColoradoPhotography

All scientific sessions, exhibits, posters, and meeting offices will be located at the Colorado Convention Center. Address: 700 14th St, Denver, CO 80202

About Denver, CO

Urban sophistication meets outdoor adventure in Denver. Check out some recommendations from ASHG Member Martin Breuss, PhD, who is local to the Denver area.

book a tour

November Weather in Colorado: Average high: 62 °F (about 16 °C) / Average low: 32 °F (about 0 °C).

Currency: U.S. dollar, credit cards, debit cards, and travelers’ checks are widely accepted. See currency converter for details on current exchange rates.

Taxes: Sales Tax = 10.75%, Hotel Tax = 15.75%.

Time Zone: U.S. Mountain Time is 7 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-7).

Staying in Denver, CO

Stay at one of the ASHG approved hotels.

Transportation To & Around Denver

Nearby Airport: Denver International Airport (DEN)



International Services

View the International Services page.


See info on how Visit Denver, the destination marketing organization for the mile-high Colorado capital, won an award for its sustainability.



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