Featured Symposia (formerly Invited Sessions)

Questions: programs@ashg.org

The members of the Program Committee (PC) are available for questions and discussions to help you frame or design your proposal.

Featured Symposia are developed and proposed by ASHG members around a particular topic of interest and are held in concurrent timeslots. Submitting a Featured Symposium proposal offers ASHG members the opportunity to directly participate in the development of the scientific program. Through a rigorous review process, the ASHG Program Committee assembles the best program possible on a diverse set of topics in human genetics and genomics.

ASHG urges proposers to invite presenters and moderators from a broad mix of institutions, locations, career stages, and diverse demographic backgrounds who represent a variety of labs and disciplines bringing data and/or perspectives from multiple projects to a shared topic of interest. Panels utilizing creative and engaging formats with voices from various career stages and groups underrepresented in science are encouraged.

Submission for featured symposia is now closed.

Submission Deadline: February 12, 2024, at 5:00 pm EST

Decision Date: Late March 2024

Proposer: Must be current ASHG member. Renew your 2024 membership. Must also serve as one of the Moderators.

Moderators: Two moderators, one of which must be the Proposer. Must be current ASHG members. Renew your 2024 membership.

Speakers: Four speakers. See criteria/policies below for more information.

Trainees: Each session must have at least one trainee as a Moderator and/or Speaker.

Session Duration: 90 minutes

Format: Sessions with four 15-minute talks followed by Q&A or panel discussion. Panel/debate style sessions are encouraged.

Symposia Session Types
Tips for Crafting Proposals
Proposal Guidelines and Speaker/Moderator Policies
Step-by-Step Submission Instructions
Review Process
Commercial Lab Eligibility


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