ASHG Awards
ASHG honors excellence in the field through a variety of awards programs, valuing over $200,000 annually. From prestigious awards for outstanding achievements in the field, to supporting the next generation of geneticists through merit-based travel grants to ASHG’s annual meeting, ASHG promotes the work of its members across the span of their careers. In 2023, ASHG updated its award names.

ASHG is committed to improving diversity and inclusion in all its forms and encourages nominations and applications of outstanding scientists who represent that breadth of background and experience.
Learn More About ASHG’s Award Programs
Merit-based travel awards for predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees ranging from $750 – $2,000. Formerly known as the Charles J. Epstein Trainee Research Awards.
Eligibility: ASHG trainee members who submit an abstract for the Annual Meeting
Number of Awards Available: 60 semi-finalists; 18 finalists; 6 winners
Application and Selection Process, Timeline: Prompted to indicate interest during Annual Meeting abstract submission.
Selected by Awards Committee based on abstract score and presentations at the Annual Meeting.
Recognizes two articles published in AJHG by trainees that represent outstanding scientific contributions to the human genetics field. $1,000 award. Formerly known as the AJHG C.W. Cotterman Awards.
Eligibility: ASHG pre- and post-doctoral members
Number of Awards Available: 2
Application and Selection Process, Timeline: Selected by the editorial board of The American Journal of Human Genetics
Recognizes outstanding contributions to the field made by young investigators who have no more than five years of research experience since completing postdoctoral research training or its equivalent and are ASHG members at the time of acceptance. Selected from authors of Human Genetics and Genomics Advances publications.
Eligibility: ASHG members who have no more than five years research experience since completing postdoctoral research training or its equivalent
Number of Awards Available: 2
Application and Selection Process, Timeline: Selected by the editorial board of Human Genetics and Genomics Advances
Awards help defray the costs of ASHG Annual Meeting participation, including complimentary meeting registration and membership.
Eligibility: Individuals who submit an abstract for the Annual Meeting and reside in a World Bank category 1-2 resource-limited country.
Number of Awards Available: 10
Application and Selection Process, Timeline: Prompted to indicate interest during Annual Meeting abstract submission. Recipients are selected by the Program Committee based on abstract content, with consideration of diversity of applicants in geography, ancestry, gender, topic of abstract, and more.
Intensive two-year program supporting early career scientists from underrepresented backgrounds.
Eligibility: Trainees and early career scientists who submit a meeting abstract
Number of Awards Available: 8
Application and Selection Process, Timeline: Annual application opens late spring each year.
ASHG Professional Awards
Since 1962, ASHG has honored outstanding achievements in the field through its annual awards. These awards recognize individuals with a diverse background of experience, ideas, and perspectives for a variety of activities, including carrying out substantial research and far-reaching scientific contributions to the field, expanding human genetics education, promoting the science of human genetics and its application for the common good, and mentoring the next generation of human genetics and genomics professionals. ASHG is committed to improving diversity and inclusion in all its forms, and encourages nominations of outstanding scientists who represent that breadth of background and experience. In addition to monetary prizes, awardees are invited to give a talk in conjunction with the ASHG Annual Meeting and receive complimentary travel to and registration for the meeting.
In 2023, ASHG updated its award names.
Nominations for six of ASHG’s professional awards are accepted annually each spring. Each spring, ASHG members are invited to nominate their colleagues for these prestigious awards. Nomination materials include the candidate’s CV, a formal nomination letter, and an online form. Self-nominations are permitted. The ASHG Awards Committee then reviews all nomination materials and chooses awardees using a scoring rubric. Awardees are announced over the summer. ASHG welcomes and encourages nominations for awards and honors. We strongly encourage members to consider nominations reflecting the diverse geographic, gender, ancestry, and scientific disciplines and specialties we represent.
Nominators will be asked to state whether, to the best of their knowledge, the individual they are nominating has consistently exhibited professional conduct that meets the standards articulated in the current ASHG Code of Ethics. Nominators are not asked or expected to independently investigate or make determinations but rather to attest to their own professional knowledge of the candidate and to review awards procedures and policies.
Prior to ASHG bestowing an award, all nominees will be informed of professional conduct expectations for awards. Nominees will be given the opportunity to decline to be considered, with no imputation of any inappropriate conduct presumed should the nominee withdraw. If nominees proceed to be considered, they will be asked to disclose, confidentially and in writing, whether they are now, or have been, subject to an allegation, inquiry, action, or decision regarding alleged professional misconduct as outlined in the ASHG Code of Ethics, or whether they have engaged in conduct that could reasonably give rise to such a claim. A disclosure will not automatically disqualify a nominee from an award, but it will allow the Society to confidentially consider such questions as part of its decisions to bestow an award.
A procedure for considering allegations regarding past awardees has also been established.
Honors excellence and achievement in promoting the science of human genetics and its application for the common good. $10,000 award.
Eligibility: Any person(s) who fits the description of award
Number of Awards Available: 1, or split amongst a group for recognition
Application and Selection Process, Timeline: Any ASHG member may submit a nomination in the spring of each year via an online nomination form. Recipients selected based on review by the Awards Committee and Board of Directors.
For far-reaching scientific contributions to human genetics carried out over a sustained period of scientific inquiry. $25,000 award. Formerly known as the William Allan Award.
Eligibility: ASHG members
Number of Awards Available: 1
Application and Selection Process, Timeline: Any ASHG member may submit a nomination in the spring of each year via an online nomination form. Recipients selected based on review by the Awards Committee and Board of Directors.
For remarkable scientific achievements in human genetics that have occurred during the last 10 years. $10,000 award. Formerly known as the Curt Stern Award.
Eligibility: ASHG members
Number of Awards Available: 1
Application and Selection Process, Timeline: Any ASHG member may submit a nomination in the spring of each year via an online nomination form. Recipients selected based on review by the Awards Committee and Board of Directors.
Recognizes outstanding contributions to human genetics education. $10,000 award. Formerly known as the Arno Motulsky-Barton Childs Award for Excellence in Human Genetics Education.
Eligibility: ASHG members
Number of Awards Available: 1
Application and Selection Process, Timeline: Any ASHG member may submit a nomination in the spring of each year via an online nomination form. Recipients selected based on review by the Awards Committee and Board of Directors.
Recognizes early career independent investigators whose work has had a significant impact on the field of human genetics. $10,000 award.
Eligibility: ASHG members
Number of Awards Available: 1
Application and Selection Process, Timeline: Any ASHG member may submit a nomination in the spring of each year via an online nomination form. Recipients selected based on review by the Awards Committee and Board of Directors.
Honors significant records of accomplishment as a mentor. $10,000 award.
Eligibility: ASHG members
Number of Awards Available: 1
Application and Selection Process, Timeline: Any ASHG member may submit a nomination in the spring of each year via an online nomination form. Recipients selected based on review by the Awards Committee and Board of Directors.
Recognizes leadership and vision in advancing the ASHG mission through promotion of genetics and genomics knowledge into the broader scientific community. $10,000 award. Formerly known as the Victor A. McKusick Leadership Award.
Eligibility: ASHG members
Number of Awards Available: 1
Application and Selection Process, Timeline: Annually, members of the ASHG Board of Directors nominate and select this award recipient, who is notified in late summer prior to announcement.
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