ASHG is the world's largest professional organization for human genetics and genomics.

Connect with 8,000 members of the world's largest community of human genetics professionals.

Types of Membership

ASHG membership dues are on a calendar year basis (January 1-December 31) unless otherwise specified.

Regular Membership

Staff, faculty, clinicians, technicians, and other genetics professionals interested in research in human genetics or in issues pertaining to human genetics

Early Career Professional

Early-career genetics professionals who have completed training within the last three years

Resident/Clinical Fellow

Advanced-degree genetics professionals in training for clinical positions

Postdoctoral Fellow

Advanced-degree genetics professionals working as postdoctoral fellows

Graduate Student

Students working toward a post-baccalaureate degree

Undergraduate Student

Students working toward a bachelor's degree

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Member Spotlight

"I truly see ASHG as my professional home."

Jessica Ezzell Hunter, PhD

Learn more about Jessica’s work


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