Overview of the PRIMED Consortium: Reducing disparities in polygenic risk assessment


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Co-first authors Drs. Kullo, Conomos, and Nelson will present an introduction and overview of the NIH-funded PRIMED Consortium, which is working to improve polygenic risk prediction of a range of health outcomes across diverse, global populations. The presentation will cover design and rationale, organization and progress of Consortium activities, methodological innovations, and initial Consortium findings and products. 

Overview of Presentation

  • PRIMED is developing new PRS methods with a focus on equitable performance across diverse populations, including those that are admixed 
  • PRIMED is exploring different approaches to incorporate genetic ancestry information into PRS development and evaluation  
  • PRIMED is developing approaches to integrate non-genetic information such as social determinants of health with PRS to create comprehensive risk prediction models  
  • PRIMED is leveraging the AnVIL cloud platform for consortium data sharing and collaborative analysis and is making analysis workflows for PRS methods and related analyses publicly available  
  • The PRIMED common data model supports constructing cross-study datasets with harmonized genotype, phenotype, and genomic summary results data
  • PRIMED built off of the NASEM report on Population Descriptors in Genetics and Genomics Research to develop recommendations and a data model to support the flexible and ethical use of population descriptors in PRS research 

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