Trainee Research Excellence Awards Available On-Demand


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The ASHG Award for Trainee Research Excellence, formerly known as the Epstein Award, was created by ASHG to honor excellence in research conducted by predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees (including genetic counseling trainees) through merit-based awards that recognize highly competitive abstracts submitted and presented at the ASHG Annual Meeting.

Talks from the following Epstein winners are available:

  • Layla Siraj
  • Frederik Filip Vinggaard Stæger
  • Marianne Lemée
  • Hai Nguyen
  • Nathan Nakatsuka
  • Yosuke Tanigawa

Talks from the following Epstein finalists are available:

  • Iain Forrest
  • Margaux Hujoe
  • Ronen Mukamel
  • Tomas Gonzalez Zarzar
  • Zoi Tsangalidou
  • Brooke Wolford

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