Careers in Genetics: Medical Science Liaison

Careers in Genetics: Medical Science Liaison

Medical Science Liaisons are professionals with advanced biomedical degrees who collaborate with the medical and scientific community to provide consumer safety and marketing information about their company’s products. They travel often to speak with healthcare professionals regarding the educational needs of consumers and attend scientific conferences to gather the newest scientific information relevant to their... Read More

Careers in Genetics: Clinical Laboratory Geneticist

Careers in Genetics: Clinical Laboratory Geneticist

Clinical Laboratory Geneticists are certified to perform and interpret genetic tests that are important for diagnosing and managing genetic diseases. They primarily work in genetic testing labs that are part of either academic or research institutions, hospitals, or private diagnostic companies. There are three types of clinical laboratory geneticists: Clinical Biochemical Geneticists are certified to... Read More

Careers in Genetics: Scientific Editor

Careers in Genetics: Scientific Editor

Scientific Editors manage and edit scientific texts and academic journals. These professionals review incoming manuscripts, manage the peer review process, and correspond with authors. They must have a strong scientific background to determine which manuscripts are scientifically sound and novel enough to warrant further review. They must also have strong writing and people skills. Most scientific... Read More

Careers in Genetics: Science Museum Director

Careers in Genetics: Science Museum Director

Science Museum Directors combine their expertise in science with an interest in public education to build collections and design exhibits and programming on interesting topics in science for the general public. myIDP career category: Science education for non-scientists Additional Resources: Association of Science Museum Directors Read More

Careers in Genetics: Independent Basic Researcher

Careers in Genetics: Independent Basic Researcher

An Independent Basic Researcher studies genetic mechanisms in humans or model organisms to understand biological processes. Although they may study human genetics, independent basic researchers do not interact with patients. Independent basic researchers typically complete a PhD and several additional years of postdoctoral study. They oversee labs as faculty at academic institutions, work in the biotechnology... Read More

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