Careers in Genetics: Genetic Counselor

Careers in Genetics: Genetic Counselor

Genetic counselors are health professionals with specialized graduate degrees in genetic counseling. Counselors enter the field from a variety of disciplines, including biology, genetics, nursing, psychology, public health and social work. They work as members of a health care team, providing information and support to families who have members with birth defects or genetic disorders... Read More

Careers in Genetics: Community College Professor

Careers in Genetics: Community College Professor

Community College Professors focus primarily on teaching and typically have a heavy course load at two-year institutions offering associate’s degrees. Community college is a bridge for many students between high school and a four-year institution, so community college faculty are responsible for preparing their students to either complete Associate’s degrees or transfer into a Bachelor’s... Read More

Careers in Genetics: Bioinformatician

Careers in Genetics: Bioinformatician

In the era of “big data,” Bioinformaticians are crucial to scientific research. These professionals combine computer science and life science to manage and analyze data. Bioinformaticians work in academic, industry, and government agency settings. Marshfield Clinic Video Clip: Additional Resources: NHGRI Career Profiles – Bioinformatician International Society for Computational Biology Read More

Careers in Genetics: Scientific/Medical Illustrator

Careers in Genetics: Scientific/Medical Illustrator

Scientific/Medical Illustrators help communicate scientific concepts and subjects through drawings and diagrams which appear in scientific journals, textbooks, museum exhibits, and in online and interactive mediums. Scientific/Medical Illustrators work for scientific journals or publishers, research and healthcare institutions, museums, and medical law firms. They often have an interest in both science and art, are proficient... Read More

Careers in Genetics: Science Writer

Careers in Genetics: Science Writer

Science Writers communicate their passion for science through the written word, making the newest scientific research accessible and understandable for the general public. They can work for major publications such as the New York Times or Scientific American, or can work on contract for many different outlets. In addition, many science writers write books or... Read More

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