Defining the Responsibility to Recontact

Defining the Responsibility to Recontact

In 2019, ASHG issued a statement outlining whether, and to what extent, there is a responsibility to recontact genetic and genomic research participants when new findings emerge that suggest their genetic information should be interpreted differently. Related: Webinar: Exploring the Responsibility to Recontact (June 2019) Position Statement: Responsibility to Recontact Research Participants after Reinterpretation of... Read More

Preventing Sexual Harassment in Science

Preventing Sexual Harassment in Science

ASHG supports policies that enable a productive and safe working environment for all scientific professionals. The Society is committed to promoting a harassment-free workplace for geneticists, and believes that science can only achieve its goals when we are able to fully engage the minds, talent, and perspectives of all who wish to participate. Related: Letter... Read More

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Yong Lei

Trainee Author: Yong Lei, PhD Postdoctoral Associate Fellow, Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine Centre, Baylor College of Medicine (BCM), Houston, Texas (Photo courtesy Lei) Lei, Y. et al. Targeted DNA methylation in vivo using an engineered dCas9-MQ1 fusion protein. Nat. Commun. 8, 16026 doi: 10.1038/ncomms16026 (2017). Yong Lei and colleagues report a new engineered tool... Read More

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