Trainee Paper Spotlight: Eirini Marouli

Trainee Author: Eirini Marouli, PhD Postdoctoral Research Associate William Harvey Research Institute Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Queen Mary University of London (Photo courtesy Marouli) Marouli E, et al. Rare and low-frequency coding variants alter human adult height. Nature. 2017 Feb 9;542(7640):186-190 This paper greatly expands our understanding of the role... Read More

Denouncing the Misuse of Genetics

Denouncing the Misuse of Genetics

ASHG denounces the misuse of genetics to feed racist ideologies, and affirms that the research community should be clear about genetic knowledge related to ancestry and genomic diversity. Any attempt to use genetics to rank populations demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of genetics. Related: AJHG Perspective: ASHG Denounces Attempts to Link Genetics and Racial Supremacy (November... Read More

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