Prohibiting Genetic Discrimination

Prohibiting Genetic Discrimination

Protections against genetic discrimination advance genetics research and the clinical use of genetics, as well as ensure the ethical use of genetic data. Ten years after the passage of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), ASHG remains a staunch advocate for GINA’s strong implementation and for other laws that enhance protections for the public. Related:... Read More

Medical Genetics

Medical Genetics

Impact of Genetics on Health and Disease It is estimated that 3-7% of the general population will be diagnosed with a recognized genetic disorder. This does not include common disorders such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and psychiatric disorders. All diseases or medical conditions have a genetic component (except trauma). Understanding how variations in an... Read More

Genetic Testing, Privacy, and Healthcare

Genetic Testing, Privacy, and Healthcare

Tests for Genetic Diseases There are many different tests available for genetic diseases. Some people use direct-to-consumer testing to see whether they are at risk for certain genetic diseases. Genetic testing is also available through a genetic specialist or your primary care physician. In the medical setting, your doctor will first determine if you would... Read More

Family History

Family History

Your family history holds key information about your past and clues to your future health. Many of your physical traits, such as eye color, hair color, and height are inherited. So, too, are risks for certain genetic conditions and health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. You may have noticed that some... Read More

Inheritance, Health, and Disease

Inheritance, Health, and Disease

Genetic diseases are caused by random changes in our DNA called variants or mutations. When a variant occurs, it can change the way a gene functions or the protein it codes for. This change can cause a disruption in the body that may cause a disease. These changes can be passed on to the next... Read More

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