Experts Assess Challenge of Educating the Public about Genetics

Experts Assess Challenge of Educating the Public about Genetics

Media Contact: Nalini Padmanabhan ASHG Communications Manager 301.634.7346 For Immediate Release Friday, April 18, 2014 9:00 am U.S. Eastern Time (UTC-05:00) In New Report, ASHG Considers Roles of Schools, Internet, Media, and Providers BETHESDA, MD – While genetics research and its applications to human health have made significant advances in recent years, the public’s... Read More

American and European Human Genetics Societies Announce Formal Partnership

For Immediate Release Wednesday, April 16, 2014 9:00 am U.S. Eastern Time (UTC-05:00) Media Contacts: Jerome del Picchia, ESHG Executive Officer +43.1.405.13.822 | Nalini Padmanabhan, ASHG Communications Manager +1.301.634.7346 | BETHESDA, MD, USA and VIENNA, AUSTRIA – Two of the world’s largest professional societies of human genetics specialists announced today a formal partnership intended to... Read More

DNA variants may influence response to inhaled bronchodilators by patients with COPD, scientists report at ASHG 2013

DNA variants may influence response to inhaled bronchodilators by patients with COPD, scientists report at ASHG 2013

NEWS For more information: Cathy Yarbrough 858-243-1814 Embargo: 8 a.m. ET, Friday, Oct. 25, 2013 Several novel gene variants may help explain the response of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to inhaled bronchodilators, according to a meta-analysis reported today (Oct. 25) at the American Society of Human Genetics 2013 meeting in... Read More

Multiple, distinct Y chromosomes associated with significant excess risk of prostate cancer, scientists report at ASHG 2013

Multiple, distinct Y chromosomes associated with significant excess risk of prostate cancer, scientists report at ASHG 2013

NEWS For more information: Cathy Yarbrough 858-243-1814 Embargo: 2:15 p.m. ET, Friday, Oct. 25, 2013 An analysis of the genealogical and medical records of males in Utah’s multi-generational families strongly supports the case that inherited variations in the Y chromosome, the male sex chromosome, play a role in the development of prostate cancer,... Read More

Mutations in novel tumor suppressor gene associated with early onset breast cancer and possibly other cancers

Mutations in novel tumor suppressor gene associated with early onset breast cancer and possibly other cancers

NEWS For more information: Cathy Yarbrough 858-243-1814 Embargo: 8 a.m. ET, Thursday, Oct. 24, 2013 An international team of scientists has identified an association between heritable, rare mutations in the RINT1 gene and increased risk of early onset breast cancer, according to research reported today (Oct. 24) at the American Society of Human... Read More

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