Inside <em>AJHG</em>: A Chat with Maya Sabatello and Greta Goto

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Maya Sabatello and Greta Goto

Posted By: Kylee Spencer, PhD, Assistant Editor, AJHG KS: What motivated you to start working on this project? MS and GG: There’s been much discussion about the underrepresentation of historically marginalized gender, racial and ethnic groups in precision medicine research and the ramification of this underrepresentation for health equity. We are a diverse team, all... Read More

Paul Okoro Data Scientist II. Marcus Institute for Aging Research – Harvard Medical School

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Paul Okoro

Transcriptome prediction performance across machine learning models and diverse ancestries Position: Data Scientist II. Marcus Institute for Aging Research – Harvard Medical School ASHG: Can you describe the type of research that has your primary focus?  Paul Okoro: My research centers on developing and utilizing data-driven integrated bioinformatics and statistical frameworks. Specifically, I work on... Read More

Ninad Oak, PhD, Chair of Digital Learning Committee

The ASHG Learning Center: Available Anytime, Anywhere

ASHG offers you a variety of digital programming year-round in the ASHG Learning Center. Home to the Society’s professional education and covering the latest science, insights into career development, and interactive technology workshops, the ASHG Learning Center delivers live and on-demand content for human genetics and genomics researchers year-round outside of the Annual Meeting. The... Read More

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