Arvind Kothandaraman

Get to Know Arvind Kothandaraman, Science Communicator and PEAC Member

Arvind Kothandaraman is a member of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) Public Education and Awareness Committee (PEAC), and Managing Director of Specialty Diagnostics at PerkinElmer, Inc. His primary professional interest is in equipping clinical laboratories with the tools needed to meet their technical and operational goals. Through his work and community relationships, he... Read More

The Importance of Advocacy as a Scientist

The Importance of Advocacy as a Scientist

Scientists are in the unique position to directly convey the benefits of human genetics and genomics research to policymakers. It is critical that we communicate the benefits of human genetics and genomics research to Congress because decisions happen on the Hill that affect research and the use of genetics-based technologies – with or without our... Read More

Alyson Barnes earned her PhD at Duke University and is now a scientist at Variant Bio.

Inside HGG Advances: A Chat with Alyson Barnes

Posted By: HGG Advances HGGA: What motivated you to start working on this project?   AB: Clinical manifestations among C. trachomatis patients are highly variable. For example, up to 80% of C. trachomatis genital infections are asymptomatic and if left untreated, can lead to severe clinical outcomes such as pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancies, and infertility.... Read More

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