Nelson Ugwu earned his MD from the Yale School of Medicine and is now an Internal Medicine Resident at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

Inside HGG Advances: A Chat with Nelson Ugwu

Posted By: HGG Advances HGGA: What motivated you to start working on this project?   NU: Despite being first described over 100 years ago, mutations underlying hepatic hemangiomas (HHs) had not been identified. Mutations associated with cutaneous venous malformations (CVMs) have been found, but a significant proportion still have no genetic explanation. We also found it... Read More

Michelle Noyes

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Michelle Noyes

Posted By: Sara Cullinan, PhD, Deputy Editor, AJHG SC: What prompted you to start working on this project? MN: I think that de novo mutations (DNMs) are completely fascinating: they can be used to make historical inferences about how our species has evolved over time and they also serve as a lens into how humans are changing... Read More

Justyna Resztak, MS

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Justyna Resztak, MS

It is well known that both nature and nurture play a large role in our long-term health outcomes. However, the gene by environment dynamics for many complex traits is still poorly understood. Justyna Resztak and colleagues added to this growing body of literature through their study by understanding the genetic effects of psychosocial experiences on... Read More

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