Policy Fellow Holm picture

Meet Genetics & Public Policy Fellow: Katharine Nichole Holm

Katharine Nichole Holm, PhD,  joined ASHG as the ASHG/NHGRI Genetics & Public Policy Fellow in August. ASHG and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) co-sponsor the Genetics and Public Policy Fellowship to give early-career professionals the opportunity to explore a career in science policy. We spoke with Dr. Holm to learn more about how... Read More

ASHG Fosters New Ways to Engage Fellow Members and the Public

Posted by Mona Miller, Chief Executive Officer The last 18 months have only accelerated changes in how we communicate, engage colleagues, and learn. While we know that in-person learning and networking will remain crucial for the human genetics and genomics community—and we look forward to a vibrant return for ASHG’s in-person annual meeting—the Society is... Read More

Marie A. Bernard, M.D and Vence Bonham Jr., J.D.

Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: A Conversation with NIH Leaders Marie A. Bernard, M.D and Vence Bonham Jr., J.D.

ASHG remains committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in genetics and genomics research. It is both a scientific and community imperative. Recognizing the importance of engagement and collaboration to accelerate this essential work, ASHG is excited to feature two National Institutes of Health senior leaders who have taken on the charge of advancing diversity, equity,... Read More

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