Inside AJHG: A Chat with Terry Hassold

Posted By: Sarah Ratzel, PhD, Science Editor, AJHG Each month, the editors of The American Journal of Human Genetics (AJHG) interview an author of a recently published paper. This month, we check in with Terry Hassold to discuss his paper, “Failure to recombine is a common feature of human oogenesis”. AJHG: What caused you to... Read More

Invited Sessions Proposals Sought for ASHG 2021

Dear Colleagues, With the new year just around the corner, it is already time to start thinking about and planning for ASHG 2021! Although we are still determining whether the meeting will be in-person or virtual, the Program Committee is soliciting proposals for invited sessions to showcase the most consequential and innovative work in genetics... Read More

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion – Commitment to Progress

As we approach the end of 2020 and await the beginning of a bold new year, I applaud the commitment that the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) has made to advance diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in human genetics and genomics research, policies, programming, workforce initiatives, membership, and volunteer leadership at all levels. I have the pleasure of serving on the Society’s Board and chairing the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force, which was established 18 months ago and is... Read More

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