Amanda Perl

A Letter from ASHG CEO Amanda Perl

One of the primary reasons members join ASHG is to be part of our global community to build connections and expand their network. This is a key strength of ASHG – creating opportunities for members across career stages, research interests and backgrounds to explore potential research collaborations, keep updated on cutting edge science, and build... Read More

Inside <em>AJHG</em>: A Chat with Kendall Flaharty, BS

Inside AJHG: A Chat with Kendall Flaharty, BS

Posted By: Alyson Barnes, PhD, Assistant Editor, AJHG AB: What motivated you to start working on this project? KF: Our research group’s primary focus is to use artificial intelligence and deep learning-based approaches to study clinically-relevant genetics questions. This specific project is motivated by the rapid increase in the use of large language models (LLMs)... Read More

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