Partnering with the Community to Support Science

Partnering with the Community to Support Science

ASHG partners with many professional societies and organizations on a multitude of issues important to the biomedical research community. Related Diversity and Inclusion Efforts AAAS community letter: supporting Congressional resolutions to denounce anti-Asian discrimination as related to COVID-19 (April 2020) American Institute of Physics community letter: opposing the elimination of federal training programs related to... Read More

NIH and Other Related Resources for COVID-19

As the impact of the coronavirus pandemic extends to every facet of daily life, the research community is coming together to find ways to manage in the new circumstances. The NIH has recognized that flexibility is required in the agency’s response to help NIH applicants and recipients of NIH funding and so has a dedicated... Read More

Trainee Paper Spotlight: Iris Nira Smith

Author: Iris Nira Smith, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Genomic Medicine Institute Lerner Research Institute Cleveland Clinic Smith IN, et al. Conformational dynamics and allosteric regulation landscapes of germline PTEN mutations associated with autism compared to those associated with cancer. 2019 American Journal of Human Genetics. May 2;104(5):861-878\ Why do mutations in the same gene sometimes lead... Read More

Dr. Katta Goes to Washington

Posted by: Samata (Sammy) Katta, PhD, Genetics & Public Policy Fellow As the ASHG/NHGRI Genetics & Public Policy Fellow for 2019-2020, I’ve completed my first rotation at the National Human Genome Research Institute and have recently started my second rotation on Capitol Hill. I’ve been working with the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee,... Read More

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