ASHG opposes the White House’s new Executive Order as it imposes new restrictions on visas used by early-career international scientists

ASHG opposes the White House’s new Executive Order as it imposes new restrictions on visas used by early-career international scientists

Media Contact: Kara Flynn, ASHG Senior Director, Public Engagement, Communications & Marketing, 202.257.8424, For Immediate Release ROCKVILLE, MD – The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) opposes and urges the White House to rescind its Executive Order issued yesterday, as it will significantly impede the progress of science and better human health by limiting... Read More

Michael Bamshad, MD

ASHG Launches New Open Access Journal: HGG Advances

Last month, ASHG announced the launch of its new open access journal, Human Genetics and Genomic Advances (HGG Advances). The publication is now open for submissions, with a call for papers, the first of which will be published later in the year. Importantly, ASHG members will receive a 20% discount on the open access fee.... Read More

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