Committee Spotlight: Highlighting the Work of PEAC to Advance Scientific Understanding

When sharing your science with people outside of human genetics and genomics research, responses can range from curiosity, to skepticism, or perhaps a connection. There is so much progress in research that is making its way to patients and all people in their everyday lives. Now more than ever it is essential to share your work and the benefits of human genetics and genomics research with the public, press, and educators. The Public Education and Awareness Committee (PEAC) works to position ASHG as a central and essential resource for genetics and genomics information for the public. Its members are tasked with developing and delivering messages that communicate the benefits and importance of human genetics and genomics research, resulting in ASHG members who are trained and empowered to communicate their research with the public, curious young people who are inspired and encouraged to study genetics and genomics, and overall greater support for genetics research among the public, news media, and other groups.

DNA Day Essay Contest

One of the ways that PEAC inspires the next generation of geneticists is through its DNA Day Essay Contest. Thousands of high school students, educators, and ASHG members worldwide eagerly await April 25. On this day, ASHG announces the top three essays with an additional ten honorable mentions. Be sure to check the Essay Contest webpage and ASHG’s social media channels (Bluesky, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, and Facebook) for results.

In the spirit of this day that brings together people of all ages, locations, and research areas, PEAC has planned additional celebrations. The 2025 question asks students to weigh the benefits and risks of using artificial intelligence (AI) in genetic test results, which is the topic of other activities celebrating DNA Day. Join us on ASHG’s social media channels plus the AskScience Reddit page for an “Ask Me Anything” panel, where PEAC members will answer questions submitted on each channel’s audience. Share the new fact sheet that will break down the types of genetic tests available, the information genetic tests can provide, and how AI can and cannot be involved. Additionally, PEAC members will provide insights into their research, their motivations, and the road that brought them to human genetics and genomics research. These profiles aim to provide a personal side to science, sharing unique insights to those who are thinking about joining the research community.

Discover Genetics

Discover Genetics, ASHG’s microsite of curated and original content is researched, reviewed, and overseen by PEAC. In 2025, the site will undergo a refresh to include content that is appropriate for audiences from the science interested public to journalists covering scientific topics. The committee will identify areas of opportunity to create educational resources in the form of fact sheets, webinars, podcasts, videos, and more. PEAC will also create member resources, such as classroom toolkits to use when visiting a local school, community outreach toolkits to encourage participation with local communities, and communications resources for members who plan to speak with the press.

“Human genetics and genomics research drives discovery, but what does that mean outside of the ASHG researcher community? Discover Genetics is the entry point for anyone and everyone who wants to learn more about these research fields that lead to so many exciting discoveries, but also about the genetic makeup that make each person who they are.”

Joseph Shen, MD, PhD PEAC Chair


In 2025, PEAC strives to create content that introduces people to the wonders of human genetics and genomics research, welcomes those new to their science passion, and equips ASHG members with resources to share their science.

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