Trainee Excellence Spotlight: Lap Sum Chan, MS, PhD

A novel multivariable Mendelian randomization framework to disentangle highly correlated exposures with application to metabolomics

Lap Sum Chan, MSPosition: Postdoctoral Associate in the Pan Lab working with Professor Wei Pan, Division of Biostatistics & Health Data Science, University of Minnesota

ASHG: Can you describe the type of research that has your primary focus?

Lap Sum Chan: My research centers on developing novel statistical methods for genetics data. I previously developed a method called DrFARM to identify pleiotropic variants using thousands of quantitative traits in GWAS, successfully applying it to Metabolon metabolomics data. More recently, I have focused on developing methods for Mendelian randomization to investigate how different biological layers, such as the metabolome and microbiome, contribute to disease. Ultimately, my work aims to use genetic data to illuminate the interplay of these factors in shaping health, pushing the boundaries of our understanding and paving the way for precision medicine.

ASHG: Throughout your life, what have been some of the biggest career goals that you have wanted to accomplish?

Chan: My career goal is to lead a research group that focuses on translating genetic insights into actionable healthcare solutions, ultimately helping to drive precision medicine into mainstream clinical practice. I envision myself either as a principal investigator in an academic setting or as a leader in a biotech company, where I can bridge cutting-edge research with real-world applications. My aim is to make genetic information not just understandable but indispensable for everyday medical decisions.

ASHG: What are some of the reasons you chose to study genetics instead of anything else?

Chan: I chose genetics because DNA is the fundamental thread that unites all living beings—it is the ultimate code of life. I believe that deciphering this code holds the key to understanding health, disease, and the mechanisms that drive biological processes. Genetics also demands significant analytical skills, and I am driven to leverage my strengths in this area to contribute meaningfully to unraveling the complexities of life.

ASHG: What are three words that you would use to describe yourself?

Chan: Triple A’s: Adaptable, Analytical, Aspiring.

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